Protect Yourself From the “Death Jab” (Covid-19 ‘vaccine’)
It breaks my heart to see how many of my brothers and sisters in the family of humanity have consented to receive (or been deceived or threatened into taking) this unproven, experimental and extremely dangerous product (which bears little resemblance to any other “vaccine” on the market). Many of them are now regretting that decision and some are suddenly dropping dead with no warning and autopsies are showing massive clots and severe myocarditis in young people with no history of heart disease. I feel each and every one of these needless deaths as a great loss of precious life and potential that will now never be realized. Many others are suffering non-fatal but debilitating side-effects from this poison. Many UN-vaccinated people are also reporting severe effects on their health just from being around recently vaccinated people.
I am writing this post in an effort to save as many lives as I can from this insane nightmare drug! Please help me spread this information far and wide to anyone who took the Covid-19 vaccine and anyone who refused the vaccine but has noticed symptoms when they are around a vaxxed person. The most common thing I hear is that un-vaccinated women will have EXTREME menstrual irregularities after having close contact with a person who has had a shot or booster within the last 2 weeks. Close contact can mean a hug, a massage, sleeping next to them, working in close quarters with them indoors. Contact with bodily fluids greatly increases exposure. (Remember that sweat is a bodily fluid!)
Please note that this protocol is not like most of the things I recommend. I usually talk about things that have millennia, centuries, or at least several decades of experience and research backing them up. In this case however, we are dealing with problems that didn't exist anywhere on earth prior to the last 2 years! So while some research has been done on some of the recommendations in this post, and there is a short history among some practitioners (both medical and holistic) using them with their clients/patients, others are offered as suggestions of things that I believe MIGHT help based on what we know about the problem. In other words, some of this is scientifically based and some is theoretical and may or may not do what I hope it will, but these are the best suggestions I can offer at this time.
Also, this post is a work in progress. I wanted to get this information out to those who need it, but I will continue to add to and update it as I find more. Please check back from time to time for updates.
For those who've had the vax:
The “vaccine” has already done damage to your body. How much is hard to say. Some have severe side-effects right away (within minutes), others don't notice any at all, and others start slowly after the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. dose. Regardless of which of these categories you fall into, I recommend that you begin using this protocol immediately and alternate herbs as described below.
For those who are UN-vaxxed but have close contact with the vaxxed:
I recommend that you follow this protocol whenever you are going to have contact with recently vaxxed people, whenever you've already had contact, whenever you are experiencing symptoms from being around the vaxxed, etc. I do NOT recommend taking these supplements every day for the rest of your life, but rather on an occasional basis, whenever you feel you need them, for a few weeks to a couple months at a time.
Herbal Formula –
Equal parts: pine needle, dandelion leaf, plantago and chickweed herb tinctures. If you're taking these herbs regularly for a long time (which most people probably should be), I suggest alternating the pine needle tincture with star anise tincture. Switch from one to the other and back again every month or so. This should prevent your kidneys from getting irritated from too much pine.
If you already have kidney inflammation, I would skip the pine and just use Star Anise instead.
Also, if you are pregnant, use star anise, NOT pine, until your baby is born.
Month 1: Pine, dandelion, plantago and chickweed.
Month 2: Star Anise, dandelion, plantago and chickweed.
Month 3: Pine, dandelion, plantago and chickweed.
Pine needles contain the same substance as the prescription drug suramin which counteracts the spike protein.
Dandelion leaf washes your cells of the spike protein a little at a time.
Plantago leaf neutralizes toxins and venoms of all kinds both inside the body and on the skin. Also counteracts bacterial infections and reduces inflammation.
Chickweed herb is there for more theoretical reasons. The RNA particles in the mRNA vaccines travel in the blood and are passed from person to person in bodily fluids (including sweat) and on touched surfaces inside microscopic droplets of fat. This prevents your immune system from recognizing it as something foreign and destroying it. Chickweed contains substances called saponins (similar to soap) which can help wash fats away. I included it in this formula in the hope that it might help wash away this fat droplet around the mRNA particle, allowing the immune system to recognize and destroy it.
Take this formula continually for a while for best effect. I'd suggest 1-2 dropperfuls 2x per day.
For your convenience, I suggest mixing equal amounts of all 4 tinctures in an air tight glass bottle (store in a cool dark place) and dispense into a dropper bottle (either 1 oz. or 2 oz. size) that you can get from a local health food store for about $1 or online. Make sure to label your bottles, especially if you are making both versions of the formula (the one with pine and the one with star anise) so you can tell them both apart.
You can find these tinctures from a local herbalist, online, or in a health food store. I've also supplied links below for your convenience. The best quality are usually available from a small local herb shop run by a practicing herbalist (try searching Google Maps).
Humic acid – Humic acid is an organic acid found in top soil (humus). There is some research showing that humic acid can dissolve/break down the graphene oxide that is believed to cause some of the harmful effects that are being observed in people who've had the jab. Get a humic acid supplement online or from your local health food store and follow the directions on the label.
Natto / Nattokinase – The enzyme Nattokinase (available as a supplement from health food stores or online) has been found to reduce the binding of covid spike proteins to your cells. For best results use continually. I'd suggest a supplement in this case, since a lot of people find the taste of Natto objectionable.
Echinacea seed or root – This herb increases the non-specific immune response that you'll need to destroy the spike proteins and mRNA particles in your body.
Bromelain (Pineapple enzyme) – These help you digest proteins. mRNA particles are proteins. This is theoretical, but it might help your body protect itself by breaking them down once the lipid droplet it travels in is removed. This is why I included the chickweed in the herbal formula above.
They also reduce inflammation and recent research suggests that they can counteract the spike proteins when used in combination with acetylcysteine:
“Bromelain and Acetylcysteine (BromAc) has synergistic action against glycoproteins by breakage of glycosidic linkages and disulfide bonds.”
Pine needles for tea– if you want to make your own tea or tincture: Check or, if you have pine trees near you, just pick some and lay them out on a towel to dry. If they snap when you bend them, they're dry. Then you can store them in a container until you use them to make tea or tincture.
Mountain Rose Herbs and Starwest Botanicals are good online sources for bulk herbs.
Pine needle tincture:
Star Anise Tincture:
Chickweed tincture:
Dandelion leaf tincture:
Plantago leaf tincture (fresh):
VAERS database:
Click on the link, agree to the disclaimer, then scroll down a bit and click on the button that says, “VAERS Data Search.”
When you get there, you can search different vaccines by manufacturer and dose and get a list of reported side-effects.
Keep in mind that some reported effects might not necessarily be caused by the vaccine, but if there are a lot of reported cases of a side-effect, it is much more likely to be caused by the vaccine.
Also depending on whose estimates you look at, possibly only 1-10% of adverse effects are actually reported to the VAERS database (in spite of legal requirements to report certain effects), so when you see how many cases of a certain side-effect have been reported, multiply it for a more accurate count!