Herbal Patriot Blog

Love Potion Number 10
Focus on pleasure, passion and fun. Before we get to the herbs... It baffles me how a lot of people treat sex as a job or a chore, or get preoccupied with “performance,” or impressing their partner, or “what will he/she expect?” I don't want to make light of what are obviously some very real emotional struggles for a lot of people, but... GOOD GRACIOUS! Why do we do this to ourselves!? Of all the things in life that should NEVER be tedious!
Protect Yourself From the “Death Jab” (Covid-19 ‘vaccine’)
I am writing this post in an effort to save as many lives as I can from this insane nightmare drug! Please help me spread this information far and wide to anyone who took the Covid-19 vaccine and anyone who refused the vaccine but has noticed symptoms when they are around a jabbed person (the most common thing I hear is that un-vaccinated women will have EXTREME menstrual irregularities after having close contact with a person who has had a shot or booster within the last 2 weeks).
What to do if You Can’t Get Baby Formula
Strategies from an herbalist to survive without baby formula during the shortage.

How I Kicked the “Mexican Beer Virus’” Butt.
The protocol I used when I had the “Mexican Beer (Corona) Virus”